The Gut Health Protocol: John G. Herron

A natural approach to healing SIBO, intestinal candida, GERD, gastritis, and other health issues.

From the cover:

The Gut Health Protocol outlines innovative natural approaches to tackling many stomach and intestinal health issues using only scientific studied natural herbs, supplements and diet. Everything recommended has evidence of efficacy.

Gut issues are often at the hearth of other health issues for which you may find relief: autoimmune diseases, recurring stomach aches, IBS, nausea, eczema, fibromyalgia pain, CFS, anxiety and even depression. Though these conditions can have many causes, all have been shown to have a connection to underlying gut issues for many people.

Why should you read this book?

The Gut Health Protocol contains over 500 published scientific studies, summarized and explained in easy to understand language. If you are someone who wants to better your gut health, or better your overall health, this book should be considered.

*With anything related to your health, it’s always important to speak with your doctor. These studies are not meant to replace medical advice.

Goals of the Gut Health Protocol

  • Disrupt the biofilm created by opportunistic / pathogenic bacteria and yeast. Biofilms are one of the primary methods pathogens use to protect themselves from our immune system, natural remedies, and even antibiotics.

  • Kill the pathogens, both free-floating and those that have adhered to the intestinal wall, using natural herbs, enzymes, and competition pressures from the probiotic bacteria found in fermented food.

  • Establish an environment in the entire gastrointestinal tract that is hospitable to beneficial bacteria (including our heritage strains) and inhospitable to opportunistic strains.

  • Populate the gut with a wide diversity and high culture count of beneficial bacteria. This serves many purposes, including the goals above, and helps to prevent pathogens from recolonizing.

  • Improve stomach and gut motility. This not only helps prevent constipation and feeling full all the time, but it also helps wash pathogenic strains out of the gut. Undigested food is a major cause of SIBO and “leaky gut.” Undigested food and unabsorbed sugars can also ferment in the gut, causing inflammation, bloating, and making leaky gut even worse.

  • Heal the gut; including the permeability of the intestine (leaky gut), the mucosal layers, alleviate intestinal inflammation and reestablishing a healthy microbiome. Inflammation caused by gut infections can last for years if not properly treated; this inflammation has symptoms very similar to the infection itself.

  • Preventing the return of opportunistic / pathogenic organisms.

  • Creating an educated host organism for the microbiome. This host organism will educate other hosts so that both the host colonies and the microbiome colonies thrive. The host organism is you.

  • Making sure people don’t hurt themselves and see a doctor when they need to.

About the Author

John Herron considers himself a "meta-researcher", a person who researches the research. He doesn't do medical studies, he finds them, digests them, and translates them for his readers.



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